Premium membership
A Community for Leaders

Exceptional Advantages for Entrepreneurs

A Thriving Community of 10,000+ Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders Enjoying Unparalleled Benefits and Networking Advantages. Sign in or sign up to get started!

Exceptional VIP Benefits: Elevating Your Experience with Unmatched Perks and Exclusive Privileges.
The Pinnacle of Canadian Business Excellence

What is Canadian Business Club

Established in 2014 to offer entrepreneurs the exceptional advantages and access they merit, Canadian Business Club has expanded its reach to over 10,000 members globally. Our members relish exclusive status upgrades, preferential pricing, and curated experiences with 500+ partner brands

Curated Lifestyle Privileges
Premier Business Solutions
For premium customers

Exclusive Privileges Hub

Canadian Business Club collaborates with top realtors, travel agents, doctors, lawyers, loyalty programs, and car rental companies to offer Members:

Priority Appointment
Exlusive Discounts
Top-Notch Customer Service

Signature Events

Canadian Business Club organizes exclusive Members-only networking events in key global cities, providing Members with a distinctive chance to connect with fellow entrepreneurs who share similar goals and aspirations.

Membership Pricing


See what members say about our community

"By purchasing their membership, I saved approximately $8,000 CAD—a perfect deal!"

David Sinclair - Lawyer

“There are lot of interesting projects that casting directors post on this platform. So many people and companies trust casting through Platform”

Emily York - Car Dealership
about Canadian Business Club

Frequently Asked Questions

If I join today, when can I start utilizing my membership?

Once your application is approved, your membership begins right away. You can start enjoying the benefits immediately.

Is the membership available globally?

The Canadian Business Club Membership is available worldwide. While there might be certain brand-specific restrictions outlined on individual benefit pages, our goal is to curate benefits that are accessible and enjoyable for all Members globally.